Updating Results

Prosple. New name. Same mission

We’ve got big news! This month, GradNewZealand (gradnewzealand.nz) is changing names to become Prosple New Zealand (nz.prosple.com)!

Why are we making the change?

We’re building something big. While recruiting local kiwi talent is as important as ever, we know that many of you already have trans-tasman recruiting hiring programs and others have their eyes on overseas talent. That’s why we’re consolidating our global network of job boards under one name to help employers and students connect more easily than ever before.

What does this mean for recruiters?

In summary, very little. The only change you will need to make is to update your applicant sourcing data from GradNewZealand to Prosple so you can correctly attribute where your applications come from.

The main change is on the student side which involves transitioning GradNewZealand (gradnewzealand.nz) to Prosple New Zealand (nz.prosple.com).

When is the change happening?

We plan to transition the student brand in the first half of September. We’ll send you a new email once the migration is complete, so you can update your ATS (if used). 

Prosple is extremely grateful for your support and will continue to work around the clock so you can achieve your hiring goals under this new brand.

We’re doubling down our efforts to build new features that help students land their dream job, and help employers attract applications from your ideal candidates.

Have any questions or comments? Feel free to get in touch on [email protected].

Interested in attracting the
right graduate talent? Get in touch with us.