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John Holland

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at John Holland

8.4 rating for Management, based on 9 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
I have had two managers who have been very helpful and accessible. Neither one tried to micromanage me but still remained accessible when feedback was requested.
Graduate, Sydney
Yes, manager are very willing to answer any questions you might have. They encourage and support career and personal development, and they receive training in areas such as mental health. Performance feedback is done in the form of setting goals and having fortnightly meetings to discuss progress.
Graduate, Melbourne
Managers are always around and accessible, you can send them a teams message or set up a meeting and they would be very happy to talk to you.
Graduate, Sydney
Good Management.
Graduate, Melbourne
My immediate manager is naturally quite busy with meetings but is always happy to give advice and answer questions. I get valuable performance feedback, although I do have to be proactive and ask for feedback.
Graduate, Sydney
Management is excellent at encouraging goal setting and performance conversations. They encourage feedback between employees and managers. My managers are very approachable and involved in my success.
Graduate, Melbourne
Yes, have good people to look after yourself told you right things to do.
Graduate, Auckland
I have had good, supportive direct reports that filter a lot of the shit out and direct it away from me, however I have not had a strong engineering mentor/coach.
Graduate, Sunshine Cosst