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  • 100 - 500 employees

Salary at Zenius

8.2 rating for Salary, based on 12 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
I haven't received any bonus yet, but I believe it will be satisfying
Graduate, Jakarta
I guess it's pretty good for my first job, but i don't really know about bonuses.
Graduate, Jakarta
I never get it so I don't know about it. Because it's also my early career in Zenius.
Graduate, Jakarta
It was great offer since I was a fresh graduate.
Graduate, Jakarta
It's decent for the amount of work given.
Graduate, Jakarta
For fresh graduates, it is actually quite enough and is already more than the minimum wage. But unfortunately there is no bonus.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan
They pay pretty good
Graduate, Jakarta
I am satisfied with the current salary because it is slightly more than Jakarta's minimum wage policy. Of course increased amount would be wonderful but I am a fresh graduate and I am grateful for the current amount.
Graduate, Tangerang Selatan (WFH) and Jakarta (WFO)
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Free parking, insurance, and free lunch
Graduate, Jakarta
Free lunch when WFO. and number of time-off per year.
Graduate, Jakarta
Free lunch! I'm not sure if these would be counted as perks but my company has various communities for different interests (gamers, health enthusiast, korean culture, japanese culture, and movie lovers). I think it is unique and fun to have those communities.
Graduate, Tangerang Selatan (WFH) and Jakarta (WFO)